How to Help
Donate and support today - help make a difference
StreetLife can only continue thanks to donations from generous people – like you! We are a non-profit organisation so we rely totally on the goodwill of our supporters. Every single donation makes a difference and enables us to continue our much-needed work.
There are quite a few different way you can support StreetLife:
You can make a one-off donation - Donate
Make a regular donation of €5 per month as a StreetBuddy
Save your spare coins as a StreetSaver (never underestimate the power of a coin!)
Give a StreetLife Gift Card..... a contribution to a sterilisation
Register with Easy fundraising - this is a way of making FREE donations to StreetLife every time you shop on line, at no cost to you or us
Support our Events - check out our Upcoming Events on the News & Events page
Other fundraising ideas - there's no limit, only your imagination
We do not have money trees
We do not have magic wands
It’s quite simple: no money = no sterilisations

If you can think of other ways to fundraise for StreetLife.....
let us know!
Working together we can continue sterilising and reducing the number of unwanted puppies and strays in the East Algarve.